StarLink-System Connect Policy
Connecting to the STARLINK-SYSTEM & WHITE MOUNTAIN REPEATER ASSOCIATION. We welcome your connection! However, there are several basic guidelines that should be considered.
All users of EchoLink, Allstar/Asterisk are welcomed to the System. Please check your microphone levels before you connect to the system. Please maintain a 5-second delay between transmissions so that other stations can get into the system and the conversation. This also allows all the various links to drop. There is an automated delay in all aspects of the VOIP system. Please try and follow the 3-minute rule. LET IT DROP all the way wait 3 seconds. All aspects of basic amateur radio guidelines and protocol should be followed at all times. This entire system is an RF-based system.
No Intentional Multi-conferencing without authorization.
If you are wishing to connect a simplex link or repeater. First and foremost. No Courtesy tones or ID's are allowed to be transmitted into the network. ALL RF Links MUST have a PL tone. This is a zero tolerance policy of the system. If you are running an EchoLink cable node we would request you connect Direct to the *STARLINK* conference server. We understand you want to connect out with your node and stations will be connecting in, to your node. However, if a station connects into your node and causes a problem within the system we will have to mute your node within the conference. Please do not take this personal simply disconnect and reconnect once you have remedied the problem on your node. We will NOT disconnect any nodes if there is a problem. We will only mute the node.
Please set up your node to disallow DTMF tones to be transmitted through the system. If you
are wishing to have a 24/ connection please contact
(AB5JK Jimi - StarLink System) & (KE6GVK Mike - White Mountain Repeater System).
Asterisk nodes wishing to connect 24/7 should make direct contact with the administrators to get information on specifically which node they should connect to.
These basic guidelines are in place to maintain quality, controlled communications via several VOIP platforms. We also incorporate an open door policy in which if you feel we can make things better please bring any information you have to the team. We look forward to You becoming a part of this network and really hope you enjoy yourself and most of all have fun!
Thank You for your support!
All users of EchoLink, Allstar/Asterisk are welcomed to the System. Please check your microphone levels before you connect to the system. Please maintain a 5-second delay between transmissions so that other stations can get into the system and the conversation. This also allows all the various links to drop. There is an automated delay in all aspects of the VOIP system. Please try and follow the 3-minute rule. LET IT DROP all the way wait 3 seconds. All aspects of basic amateur radio guidelines and protocol should be followed at all times. This entire system is an RF-based system.
No Intentional Multi-conferencing without authorization.
If you are wishing to connect a simplex link or repeater. First and foremost. No Courtesy tones or ID's are allowed to be transmitted into the network. ALL RF Links MUST have a PL tone. This is a zero tolerance policy of the system. If you are running an EchoLink cable node we would request you connect Direct to the *STARLINK* conference server. We understand you want to connect out with your node and stations will be connecting in, to your node. However, if a station connects into your node and causes a problem within the system we will have to mute your node within the conference. Please do not take this personal simply disconnect and reconnect once you have remedied the problem on your node. We will NOT disconnect any nodes if there is a problem. We will only mute the node.
Please set up your node to disallow DTMF tones to be transmitted through the system. If you
are wishing to have a 24/ connection please contact
(AB5JK Jimi - StarLink System) & (KE6GVK Mike - White Mountain Repeater System).
Asterisk nodes wishing to connect 24/7 should make direct contact with the administrators to get information on specifically which node they should connect to.
These basic guidelines are in place to maintain quality, controlled communications via several VOIP platforms. We also incorporate an open door policy in which if you feel we can make things better please bring any information you have to the team. We look forward to You becoming a part of this network and really hope you enjoy yourself and most of all have fun!
Thank You for your support!